what to treat lawn with in spring to kill grubs

During the late summer and early fall, yous may begin to observe lawns turning an unattractive shade of brown in certain unsightly, dying patches. The likely explanation is the grass is being destroyed by hungry, thriving grub worms living below the surface of the backyard. If this has happened in your lawn, there is adept news. These pests can be controlled, and your lawn can exist restored dorsum to its healthy land by getting rid of grub worms.

Amend however, because of a growing preference for natural gardening solutions, at that place are now some easy and natural ways to kill lawn grubs and stop them from reappearing next year. This ways you'll be able to get back to enjoying your 1000 year-round without business organisation of nasty grubs eating abroad at information technology.

How to Kill Grubs in your Lawn

How Grubs Affect Your Backyard

Grubs are the larvae of many kinds of beetles, such as Japanese beetles or June bugs. Grubs tin can be found within your lawn during the late summer months subsequently the beetles have laid their eggs around July. Female beetles lay their eggs near one or two inches deep in the soil. They will spend ii to three weeks laying eggs and volition each produce as many as lx eggs in this time. Once the eggs hatch between the two-to-four week mark, these chow worms begin looking for nutrient to fuel their growth.

The lawn grubs you'll likely detect are small, white, worm-like pests that live in the soil and feast on organic matter in the backyard. They will eat annihilation within the soil that'south in their path, including the roots of grass. By devouring the grass roots, they begin to impale off patches of your lawn, leaving it brown in certain areas. Grubs will continue to expand their devastation as they move nether the lawn'south surface.

When severe destruction occurs from grubs in the lawn, it's a upshot of the lawn'south health non being acceptable enough to outpace the grubs feeding on it. In other words, a healthy lawn will grow faster than the grubs can eat it.

If your grass is unhealthy, yous'll want to kill these white grubs in the backyard immediately later finding them. Then take advisable measures the restore your lawn's health and so it tin withstand pests in the futurity.

The fewer mature female beetles y'all have in your yard, the less risk y'all will take of facing a grub trouble later in the summer.

grub life cycle

Signs You lot Have Backyard Grubs

There are sure signs to spotter for to know if you lot're faced with a grub problem. First of all, you may accept noticed other wildlife being attracted to your lawn. This wildlife activity in your yard probable indicates yous have a grub worm problem. Animals, such equally raccoons, skunks and birds, enjoy grubs every bit a main part of their diet. If yous're serving up an assortment of tasty backyard grubs, so these creatures are going to get earthworks — which can also cause damage to your grass.

Secondly, you volition detect dying patches of grass in your grand that are easy to pull upwards by paw. This is a clear indicator the roots of the grass have been destroyed every bit these patches are no longer thriving in the soil. You may have previously attributed dry, dying patches of grass to under-watering or ecology weather condition. However, information technology is probable a grub problem, which is very common in N America.

Your natural inclination when you notice lawn damage caused by grubs might be to rip upwards the patches of grass that are browning and replace them with new lawn turf. This is, however, not the correct or sustainable solution. Yous tin can instead simply treat this area of backyard with a pest control handling and brainstorm your backyard intendance government over again. Once the grubs have been killed by the pest control solution, this volition promote root growth in the grass, and it will begin to heal and regrow.

To know just how badly your lawn has been impacted, it is recommended to dig up one square foot of backyard. You'll exist able to hands lift upward the browning patch of grass as it volition pull upwardly much similar a rug. Dig through the exposed section of soil and await for the white chow worms. You'll notice these pests volition whorl themselves into a "C" shape when disturbed.

Every bit a rule of thumb, a salubrious lawn is able to withstand up to five grubs per square pes. If you notice more five grubs in this patch of grass, then yous take an infestation that requires a pest control treatment. By testing multiple areas of your lawn, y'all'll accept a better idea of just how extensive the problem is and what you'll need to do to get rid of the grub worms. If you just find a few, then it may be as elementary every bit hand picking them from the afflicted areas, and then applying Safer® Brand Lawn Restore® Fertilizer and doing a deep watering.

Lawn Restore

It is as well recommended to water your lawn infrequently when yous're treating a grub infestation as many won't survive in the dried out soil.

Using Integrated Pest Direction

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a natural pest control solution and process that uses benign insects and other biological solutions. Gardeners often cull these forms of pest control due to their lower environmental touch on. Benign bacteria and diseases are alternative solutions for killing off white grubs long-term and protecting your lawn from infestations for years to come.

organic grub control

How Natural Predators Kill Lawn Grubs

Biological predators, like birds, raccoons, moles and more, are an option when it comes to grub control for lawns. Yous can choose to go out your soil exposed to welcome animals to devour the pests. For example, you tin can utilize bird feeders to attract birds to your g to feast on the grubs. Merely practice go on in listen, animals volition dig holes in your lawn, which can cause further damage to your thou.

Milky Spore

Milky spore is a beneficial bacterium and natural predator of Japanese beetle grubs. It comes in white pulverisation course and can be released on the afflicted area of the lawn when grubs are present. When practical, milky spore will release spores which will infect the grubs and continue to multiply. The spores will reside in the soil for upward to 15 years, meaning they will go along their outbreak against future chow invasions. However, this solution may not result in the desired result immediately.

Milky spore should be used independently of other pest command solutions because it requires the actual grubs present in the soil to take effect. This treatment is as well best washed on overcast days or in the evening when the sun won't absorb it.


Some other natural grub treatment is the utilise of beneficial nematodes, which are tiny worms that live in the soil and pursue grubs and other pests as hosts while they release infectious bacteria. Once the nematodes observe a grub to reside in, they will release bacteria that kills the host grub. Nematodes will not harm plants, animals or humans, but they will attack pests and insects through built-in homing capabilities.

Nematodes tin be practical in a liquid form. Like milky spore, nematode pest control treatments should not be applied in direct sunlight. Heavy watering is required immediately before and subsequently applying the liquid nematode treatment.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is naturally derived from the seeds of a tree establish in India chosen the neem tree. Neem oil is used as a pest control solution for killing lawn grubs.

how to use neem oil to kill grubs

How to Kill Backyard Grubs on an Organic Lawn

As gardeners get increasingly concerned nearly using traditional chemic-based pesticides, alternative pest control solutions are growing in popularity. This is largely due to increasing education and awareness about the harmful bear on of chemical pesticides. Many chemical-based pesticides will just go rid of lawn grubs initially, which ofttimes leads to the pests returning time and again every bit they volition develop a resistance to the chemicals.

You lot may have tried practise-it-yourself grub-killing solutions to ensure a chemical-complimentary method of pest control. Some DIY solutions call for a combination of household products like mouthwash, lemon juice, liquid dish soap and h2o to create a spray that tin can be applied all over your 1000. However, this homemade solution only acts as a deterrent for grubs and is not an effective or immediate way to impale them.

To truly eliminate your pest problem, you will need to apply a handling that eliminates the grubs completely, which gives yous the space to be able to restore your lawn's health. Ameliorate yet, a treatment that tin be applied to grubs at whatsoever phase of their life cycle will be a better solution for twelvemonth-circular pest command.

How to Impale Grub Worms If They're Already Nowadays

You lot will want to fertilize your lawn with Safer® Brand Backyard Restore® Fertilizer to proceed it thick and salubrious, and besides be certain you're mowing your grass down to a minimum of two inches in height — beetles adopt to lay their eggs in thin, sparse grass. It will exist necessary to implement an exceptional watering schedule, also. When you practice water your backyard, though, make sure to water it deeply to promote deeper and stronger growth of grass roots.

get rid of grub worms

Chow Control for Lawns

Left unchecked, white grubs in your lawn will continue their subversive class and will eventually sever the roots of the grass so badly, it volition exist unable to regrow. Having your yard re-turfed is expensive and fourth dimension consuming. Protect your lawn by using OMRI Listed® and compliant Safer® Brand products for a healthy and organic lawn.


Source: https://www.saferbrand.com/articles/how-to-kill-grubs-in-lawn

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