New Muslim Ban Shut Down Again

In 2017, President Trump signed an executive guild banning people from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the USA, and slamming the door on refugees. After being temporarily stopped multiple times, the US Supreme Court overturned a block on the devastating ban in June.

The order demonises the vulnerable – those who accept fled torturers, warlords and dictators – and those who simply desire to exist with their families. Information technology is essentially a licence to discriminate, disguised as a 'national security measure'.

Since it was announced before in the yr, over 31,000 of you lot joined usa in resisting the discriminatory refugee and Muslim ban past asking President Trump to put an end to it.

How did we become here?

On 28 Jan President Trump issued an executive guild blocking refugees and travellers with passports from seven Muslim-bulk countries.

The ban was cruel, inhumane, and violated international constabulary.

With the stroke of a pen, the President banned Syrian refugees from the USA indefinitely and prevented anyone (including refugees) from Iran, Iraq, Great socialist people's libyan arab jamahiriya, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian arab republic and Yemen from entering the USA for 90 days.

He as well halted the United states refugee resettlement plan for 120 days, and indicated that when this restarts the The states will slash the maximum number of refugees it will receive from 110,000 to 50,000.

These countries all have i affair in common: virtually people seeking aviary from these countries are trying to escape serious human rights abuses similar torture and mass murder. For near, returning home is not a choice.

We won the battle

On ix Feb, a US appeals court rejected President Trump's attempt to reinstate his ban after a federal judge issued a temporary restraining gild that temporarily halted the ban.

© Marie-Anne Ventoura/Amnesty UK

The latest ruling meant that people from Iran, Republic of iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Republic of yemen with visas can go on to enter the The states. And refugees who were too subject to the ban are no longer blocked either.

Before long after the appeal ruling, senior White House adviser Stephen Miller denounced the federal judges who stopped President Trump's controversial travel ban, alert that the globe will before long see that the president's executive powers 'will not be questioned'.

Same hate, new packaging

This 'revised' order is the same hate and fear with new packaging. Once once more, people from certain Muslim-majority countries will face unnecessary and discriminatory obstacles to seeing their families. This time the Trump assistants has taken it upon themselves to define what a 'close' family tie is, which will decide who tin and cannot enter the US. This means that grandparents, cousins and others volition be kept away from their loved ones.

Just information technology gets worse. The Country Section has also said that refugees being resettled may also be banned. The same vulnerable refugees who are fleeing horrific violence, who are only trying to rebuild their lives – and who are not a threat to national security.

No amount of editing can make this executive club anything but what information technology is – blatant discrimination.

It affects u.s. all

The moving ridge of anti-women, anti-Muslim, anti-refugee legislation coming from the Trump administration is an attack on all of u.s.a.. The rollback of homo rights anywhere is a gamble to human rights everywhere.

The US is setting a dangerous precedent – ane that other leaders may be inspired to follow.

Nosotros cannot let this happen.

'Continuing to close U.Due south. borders to people attempting to abscond violence – whether from Syria or Honduras – will simply intensify man rights crises all over the world. It is inhumane, short-sighted and against all of our shared values.' –Margaret Huang, Executive Director of Amnesty International The states

It is time to call on the President to cease abusing his power, to uphold the U.s.a.'southward commitments to the world's most vulnerable refugees and to end the discriminatory travel ban.


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